- i stand ready.准备就绪
- waiting on you.正在等你
- point the way!指路!
- on your mark.依你指示
- your move.行动
- say no more!不用多说
- done!完成!
- fair enough!好极了
- all too easy!太简单了
- ewww, i''m all a quiver! e……我根本是个箭袋子
- fear my l33t skills!*为我的精英技能感到恐惧吧
- let''s move. 5 meter spread. no sound我们行动吧,间隔5米,悄无声息(也就是get away and shut up#_#和“请在外面把门关上”异曲同工)
- i''m more than a ranger. i''m a night ranger.我不光是一个射手,我是一个夜之射手。
- i''m not just some plucky girl you can string along!我不是那种轻浮的随便就可以泡上的女孩。
- my release date''s been changed!我的发售日期延期了!(暴雪哟……)
- shot through the heart, and i''m to blame!射穿他的心脏!我来承担责任
- i said a bow string not gin... ah, nevermind!我说的是弓弦,不是轧棉机(弹棉花的弓)~~~~啊,算了
- [.vs英雄] by the light of the moon!以月神之光的名义!
- i''ll give it a shot!看我一箭射死!
- fire!射!
- one shot, one kill.一击必杀
- cry havok!哭泣吧!
- godess light my path!女神啊,照亮我的道路!
- make it fast!快点!
- in position!就位!
- standing guard!原地戒备!
- speak your mind.?*瞿愕南敕?br/>- i am sworn to avenge!我发誓要报仇
- absolutely!绝对服从
- i shall not fear.我不怕
- as the godess wills!按照女神的意愿!
- i walk in shadow.我潜行于黑暗之中
- my wait is over.我的等待结束了
- i can blend!
- give a hoot, don''t pollute!
- fri**ee anyone?玩飞盘吗?
- this is my owl, there are many liek it, but this one''s mine!这是我的猫头鹰,很多都长的很象,但这只是我的。
- i''m here to work on my slice.我来尽我的职责
- i''m caught between the moon and nightelf city.我往返于月亮与夜精灵城之间
- fly boobou!**飞吧,boobou(翅膀拍击)
- i''m not given to flights of fancy!我不习惯于在幻想中飞翔。
- [.vs英雄] for the great mother!(黑豹的嚎叫声)为了伟大的(大地?月神?)母亲
- seek!探索!
- catch!捕获!
- fear the night!恐惧黑夜!
- prey for dawn!祈祷黎明!
- come and get it!来呀,上啊
- ahh, the great outdoors!啊~~室外太棒了!
- hi! hi!
- is there trouble?有什么麻烦吗?
- are we being invaded?我们被侵略了吗?
- what is nature''s call?大自然在召唤吗?
- [虚弱魔法] this might sting a little.这可能会有点疼哦。
- for the trees!为了树瘢?br/>- making trails.正在开路
- i''m game.我有兴趣
- gladly!很乐意
- i''m not the dryad you''re looking for.我不是你要找的那只树妖
- doh!哆来米的哆/母鹿^-^
- fear the fearsome fury of the forest fawn!(绕口令诶,快读一遍看看会不会咬到舌头?)为森林小鹿可怕的愤怒而恐惧吧
- you communicate by clicking on me, i communicate by doing what you say.你通过点击和我交流,而我通过行动和你交流。
- i''m not in season!现在是禁猎期!(or:现在非发情期?eek...)
- i got a few bucks set aside for later.以后我得找头公鹿呆在我旁边
- fall like leaves... in fall!(又是绕口令?)象秋天的树叶一样坠落吧
- i don''t reveal much on the mini map. it''s all my fault.我没探出太多地图,这都是我的错(呜咽)
- i''ll attract the enemy with my human call: i''m so wasted, i''m so wasted!好吧,我会用我的人类声音去吸引敌人的……我真是生不逢时呀,生不逢时!
- [.vs英雄] for calendor!**为了kalimdor!(calendor应为kalimdor—夜精灵的家园,下同)
- die, infidel!死吧,异端!
- taste my spear!尝尝我的标枪!
- the hunt is on!打猎开始了!
- aim dead center!瞄准要害!
- the sleeper has awakened!沉睡者已经醒来
- i''m awake, i''m awake!我醒来了~我醒来了~
- our time is short!我们时间紧迫
- where shall i strike?我该攻击哪里?
- my strength is yours!我的力量是属于你的!
- [熊形态] things are about to get grizzly!有东西要变成灰色(灰熊)了!
- [冬眠] sleep, and be healed!睡吧,得到治疗
- my path is clear.我的道路通畅
- at once.马上
- of course.当然
- unodurah!**夜精灵语
- only you can prevent forest fires!(听起来象是恶棍 mcgruff,森林熊)只有你能够阻止森林火灾
- i''d rather be hibernating!我宁愿去冬眠
- he wasn''t fuzzy, was he?这家伙没有绒毛,是吧?
- da bears!*熊!
- got any gummy humans?你有胶水吗?人类
- can''t... stop... dancing!情不自禁的跳舞(音乐响起)
- quit clicking on my bare ass!*别点我的光(熊)pp了
- [.vs英雄] in nordrasil''s name!**以nordrasil之名义!
- die, infidel!死吧,异端!
- bear arms!*熊之利爪!/空手搏斗!
- i''m make short work of them!我很快就能解决他们!
- by the great winds, i come!我随风而来!
- out with it!脱颖而出
- i am prepared.准备就绪
- enlighten me!指导我吧
- thy bidding?汝之命令?(lich也有这一句古文,这两个家伙都是活了几千几万岁的老古董)
- no one shall be the wiser.没人比我更贤明
- it has begun!开始了!
- for my brothers!为了我的兄弟们!
- that''s a given.理所当然
- this outfit is for the birds.这是鸟德制服
- i''d tell you more, but then i''d have to kill you.我会告诉你更多,然后,我就不得不杀了你
- i am the dark night...elf我是黑暗(骑士)夜……精灵
- ahhgggcho! uh! don''t tell me i''m allergic to feathers!啊~~~喔~~~别告诉我我对羽毛过敏
- i ride on the great winds! i am silent but deadly!我御风而行,我是沉默的,也是致命的!
- talon, druid of the talon.猛禽,猛禽德鲁伊
- how about if i just stand over here?我站在这里不动总可以了吧?
- [.vs英雄] for calendor!**为了kalimdor!
- no quarter!永不对敌人仁慈!
- make your peace!归于和平吧!
- in the raven''s name!以乌鸦座的名义!
恶魔猎手[已变身: 5级或以上]-(英雄,城镇中心)(注解:和下面正常的恶魔猎手一样的声音文件,没有在[ ]的特殊行动/执行动作音效)
- at last, we shall have revenge!终于,我们可以报仇了!
- the time has come.是时候了
- we must act!我们必须行动了!
- my blade thirsts我的刀刃渴望着……
- quickly!快!
- command me!命令我吧!
- [思想控制] you are spellbound!***你已经着魔了
- [蜕变] time to raise hell!呼唤地狱的时刻到了
- [吸魂] your soul is mine!***你的灵魂属于我
- [鬼怪视界] hide no longer!***你无处可藏
- anatorettador!**精灵语
- though i be damned!就算我是被诅咒的!
- duranacal.**精灵语
- at last.终于
- hmmm.唔
- i shall fight fire with fire!我要以火焰来克制火焰。
- chaos boils in my veins!混沌的力量在我血液中沸腾
- demon blood is thicker than... regular blood.恶魔之血浓于……一般的血
- i like my enemies dead and my blades flaming.最爱看敌人死在我燃烧的刀刃下
- i love green trees!(注解:这个很粗暴.在游戏中其实是倒过来的,我不想把它拼出来所以我把它倒过来了.)
- you will perish in flames(咳嗽声) ops, sorry!你将在火焰中毁灭(咳嗽)哦,对不起!
- darkness called,... but i was on the phone, so i missed him. i tried to*69 darkness, but his machine picked up. i yelled:"pick up the phone darkness", but he ignored me. darkness must have been screening his calls.黑暗之王一度召唤我,……但我在打电话,所以我错过了。我试着回拨给他,但只听到录音留言。我喊道:“拿起电话呀,黑暗之王”,但是他不理我。黑暗之王一定是屏蔽了他的电话。
- [.vs英雄] for calendor!为了kalimdor
- none shall survive!挡我者死!
- your blood is mine!喝你的血!
- run for your life!快逃命吧!
- revenge!复仇!
- i must safegaurd the land!保护大地是我的职责。
- is there danger?有险情吗?
- command me.命令我吧
- who threatens the wilds?谁在威胁着大自然?
- the time is now.就是现在
- nature is restless.大自然永不宁静
- [自然之触] everything i touch dies or comes back to life!我的触碰带来死亡和再生!
- [扼死藤] this should weed out a few!这些杂草应该清除
- [荆棘] you mess with the branch, you get the thorns!你跟树枝战斗,就得面对荆棘。
- [宁静] the calm, before the storm.暴风雨前的宁静
- by the spirits!以精灵们的力量!
- for calendor!为了kalimdor!
- well, there it is.好,在那边
- so shall is be.理应如此
- naturally.自然而然
- my father was mounted over someone''s fireplace.我父亲是画在壁炉上方的座骑
- feel natural, nature''s way.感受大自然的自然
- don''t let the doe hit you on the way out!那些母鹿要来扁你了
- when i attack, part 3.当我攻击时,第3部分
- free rides for the ladies mm免费骑哦
- heard up!收到!
- [.vs英雄] smite the defilers of the land!给污染者以致命一击!
- feel nature''s wrath!感受自然的愤怒!
- death to all defilers!污染者,受死!
- none shall harm the wilds!没有人可以伤害大自然!
- warriors of the night, assemble!夜之战士们,集结起来!
- we are poised to strike!我们随时准备战斗!
- we must act!我们得行动了!
- i am vigilant!我时刻警惕着!
- trust in my command.相信我的指挥吧!
- [月光] godess, grant me sight!女神啊,赐予我慧眼吧!
- [月反射] let me bounce this off you.从你身上反弹吧!
- [灼光] highbeams on!强光照射!
- [强击] shoot to kill!射杀!
- [黎明] darkness falls across the land.黑暗降临大地(知道mj的thriller吗?darkness falls across the land,the midnight hour is close at hand,creatures crawl in search of blood……''cause this is thriller, thriller night……mj开始与一群僵尸跳舞^o^)
- leading the way!领路!
- onward!前进!
- as i thought.正合我意
- the godess agrees.正如女神所愿
- i command the army of darkness!我指挥着黑暗(暗夜)部队!
- i''m caught between the moon and nightelf city.我往返于月亮与夜精灵城之间
- come on! we''re burning moonlight.来吧!我们是燃烧的月之光
- when a treant falls in the forest, does it make a sound?一个树人在森林里倒下时,会发出声音吗?
- [.vs英雄] by the godess!以女神的力量!
- strike!进攻!
- for the godess!为了女神!
- prepare to be moonstruck!准备接受月神之击!(moonstruck的字典解释:源于月光能引起精神错乱的信仰,是不是有点讽刺?)
- i stand ready.准备就绪
- waiting on you.正在等你
- point the way!指路!
- on your mark.依你指示
- your move.行动
- say no more!不用多说
- done!完成!
- fair enough!好极了
- all too easy!太简单了
- ewww, i''m all a quiver! e……我根本是个箭袋子
- fear my l33t skills!*为我的精英技能感到恐惧吧
- let''s move. 5 meter spread. no sound我们行动吧,间隔5米,悄无声息(也就是get away and shut up#_#和“请在外面把门关上”异曲同工)
- i''m more than a ranger. i''m a night ranger.我不光是一个射手,我是一个夜之射手。
- i''m not just some plucky girl you can string along!我不是那种轻浮的随便就可以泡上的女孩。
- my release date''s been changed!我的发售日期延期了!(暴雪哟……)
- shot through the heart, and i''m to blame!射穿他的心脏!我来承担责任
- i said a bow string not gin... ah, nevermind!我说的是弓弦,不是轧棉机(弹棉花的弓)~~~~啊,算了
- [.vs英雄] by the light of the moon!以月神之光的名义!
- i''ll give it a shot!看我一箭射死!
- fire!射!
- one shot, one kill.一击必杀
- cry havok!哭泣吧!
- godess light my path!女神啊,照亮我的道路!
- make it fast!快点!
- in position!就位!
- standing guard!原地戒备!
- speak your mind.说出你的想法
- i am sworn to avenge!我发誓要报仇
- absolutely!绝对服从
- i shall not fear.我不怕
- as the godess wills!按照女神的意愿!
- i walk in shadow.我潜行于黑暗之中
- my wait is over.我的等待结束了
- i can blend!
- give a hoot, don''t pollute!
- frisbee anyone?玩飞盘吗?
- this is my owl, there are many liek it, but this one''s mine!这是我的猫头鹰,很多都长的很象,但这只是我的。
- i''m here to work on my slice.我来尽我的职责
- i''m caught between the moon and nightelf city.我往返于月亮与夜精灵城之间
- fly boobou!**飞吧,boobou(翅膀拍击)
- i''m not given to flights of fancy!我不习惯于在幻想中飞翔。
- [.vs英雄] for the great mother!(黑豹的嚎叫声)为了伟大的(大地?月神?)母亲
- seek!探索!
- catch!捕获!
- fear the night!恐惧黑夜!
- prey for dawn!祈祷黎明!
- come and get it!来呀,上啊
- ahh, the great outdoors!啊~~室外太棒了!
- hi! hi!
- is there trouble?有什么麻烦吗?
- are we being invaded?我们被侵略了吗?
- what is nature''s call?大自然在召唤吗?
- [虚弱魔法] this might sting a little.这可能会有点疼哦。
- for the trees!为了树神!
- making trails.正在开路
- i''m game.我有兴趣
- gladly!很乐意
- i''m not the dryad you''re looking for.我不是你要找的那只树妖
- doh!哆来米的哆/母鹿^-^
- fear the fearsome fury of the forest fawn!(绕口令诶,快读一遍看看会不会咬到舌头?)为森林小鹿可怕的愤怒而恐惧吧
- you communicate by clicking on me, i communicate by doing what you say.你通过点击和我交流,而我通过行动和你交流。
- i''m not in season!现在是禁猎期!(or:现在非发情期?eek...)
- i got a few bucks set aside for later.以后我得找头公鹿呆在我旁边
- fall like leaves... in fall!(又是绕口令?)象秋天的树叶一样坠落吧
- i don''t reveal much on the mini map. it''s all my fault.我没探出太多地图,这都是我的错(呜咽)
- i''ll attract the enemy with my human call: i''m so wasted, i''m so wasted!好吧,我会用我的人类声音去吸引敌人的……我真是生不逢时呀,生不逢时!
- [.vs英雄] for calendor!**为了kalimdor!(calendor应为kalimdor—夜精灵的家园,下同)
- die, infidel!死吧,异端!
- taste my spear!尝尝我的标枪!
- the hunt is on!打猎开始了!
- aim dead center!瞄准要害!
- the sleeper has awakened!沉睡者已经醒来
- i''m awake, i''m awake!我醒来了~我醒来了~
- our time is short!我们时间紧迫
- where shall i strike?我该攻击哪里?
- my strength is yours!我的力量是属于你的!
- [熊形态] things are about to get grizzly!有东西要变成灰色(灰熊)了!
- [冬眠] sleep, and be healed!睡吧,得到治疗
- my path is clear.我的道路通畅
- at once.马上
- of course.当然
- unodurah!**夜精灵语
- only you can prevent forest fires!(听起来象是恶棍 mcgruff,森林熊)只有你能够阻止森林火灾
- i''d rather be hibernating!我宁愿去冬眠
- he wasn''t fuzzy, was he?这家伙没有绒毛,是吧?
- da bears!*熊!
- got any gummy humans?你有胶水吗?人类
- can''t... stop... dancing!情不自禁的跳舞(音乐响起)
- quit clicking on my bare ass!*别点我的光(熊)pp了
- [.vs英雄] in nordrasil''s name!**以nordrasil之名义!
- die, infidel!死吧,异端!
- bear arms!*熊之利爪!/空手搏斗!
- i''m make short work of them!我很快就能解决他们!
- by the great winds, i come!我随风而来!
- out with it!脱颖而出
- i am prepared.准备就绪
- enlighten me!指导我吧
- thy bidding?汝之命令?(lich也有这一句古文,这两个家伙都是活了几千几万岁的老古董)
- no one shall be the wiser.没人比我更贤明
- it has begun!开始了!
- for my brothers!为了我的兄弟们!
- that''s a given.理所当然
- this outfit is for the birds.这是鸟德制服
- i''d tell you more, but then i''d have to kill you.我会告诉你更多,然后,我就不得不杀了你
- i am the dark night...elf我是黑暗(骑士)夜……精灵
- ahhgggcho! uh! don''t tell me i''m allergic to feathers!啊~~~喔~~~别告诉我我对羽毛过敏
- i ride on the great winds! i am silent but deadly!我御风而行,我是沉默的,也是致命的!
- talon, druid of the talon.猛禽,猛禽德鲁伊
- how about if i just stand over here?我站在这里不动总可以了吧?
- [.vs英雄] for calendor!**为了kalimdor!
- no quarter!永不对敌人仁慈!
- make your peace!归于和平吧!
- in the raven''s name!以乌鸦座的名义!
恶魔猎手[已变身: 5级或以上]-(英雄,城镇中心)(注解:和下面正常的恶魔猎手一样的声音文件,没有在[ ]的特殊行动/执行动作音效)
- at last, we shall have revenge!终于,我们可以报仇了!
- the time has come.是时候了
- we must act!我们必须行动了!
- my blade thirsts我的刀刃渴望着……
- quickly!快!
- command me!命令我吧!
- [思想控制] you are spellbound!***你已经着魔了
- [蜕变] time to raise hell!呼唤地狱的时刻到了
- [吸魂] your soul is mine!***你的灵魂属于我
- [鬼怪视界] hide no longer!***你无处可藏
- anatorettador!**精灵语
- though i be damned!就算我是被诅咒的!
- duranacal.**精灵语
- at last.终于
- hmmm.唔
- i shall fight fire with fire!我要以火焰来克制火焰。
- chaos boils in my veins!混沌的力量在我血液中沸腾
- demon blood is thicker than... regular blood.恶魔之血浓于……一般的血
- i like my enemies dead and my blades flaming.最爱看敌人死在我燃烧的刀刃下
- i love green trees!(注解:这个很粗暴.在游戏中其实是倒过来的,我不想把它拼出来所以我把它倒过来了.)
- you will perish in flames(咳嗽声) ops, sorry!你将在火焰中毁灭(咳嗽)哦,对不起!
- darkness called,... but i was on the phone, so i missed him. i tried to*69 darkness, but his machine picked up. i yelled:"pick up the phone darkness", but he ignored me. darkness must have been screening his calls.黑暗之王一度召唤我,……但我在打电话,所以我错过了。我试着回拨给他,但只听到录音留言。我喊道:“拿起电话呀,黑暗之王”,但是他不理我。黑暗之王一定是屏蔽了他的电话。
- [.vs英雄] for calendor!为了kalimdor
- none shall survive!挡我者死!
- your blood is mine!喝你的血!
- run for your life!快逃命吧!
- revenge!复仇!
- i must safegaurd the land!保护大地是我的职责。
- is there danger?有险情吗?
- command me.命令我吧
- who threatens the wilds?谁在威胁着大自然?
- the time is now.就是现在
- nature is restless.大自然永不宁静
- [自然之触] everything i touch dies or comes back to life!我的触碰带来死亡和再生!
- [扼死藤] this should weed out a few!这些杂草应该清除
- [荆棘] you mess with the branch, you get the thorns!你跟树枝战斗,就得面对荆棘。
- [宁静] the calm, before the storm.暴风雨前的宁静
- by the spirits!以精灵们的力量!
- for calendor!为了kalimdor!
- well, there it is.好,在那边
- so shall is be.理应如此
- naturally.自然而然
- my father was mounted over someone''s fireplace.我父亲是画在壁炉上方的座骑
- feel natural, nature''s way.感受大自然的自然
- don''t let the doe hit you on the way out!那些母鹿要来扁你了
- when i attack, part 3.当我攻击时,第3部分
- free rides for the ladies mm免费骑哦
- heard up!收到!
- [.vs英雄] smite the defilers of the land!给污染者以致命一击!
- feel nature''s wrath!感受自然的愤怒!
- death to all defilers!污染者,受死!
- none shall harm the wilds!没有人可以伤害大自然!
- warriors of the night, assemble!夜之战士们,集结起来!
- we are poised to strike!我们随时准备战斗!
- we must act!我们得行动了!
- i am vigilant!我时刻警惕着!
- trust in my command.相信我的指挥吧!
- [月光] godess, grant me sight!女神啊,赐予我慧眼吧!
- [月反射] let me bounce this off you.从你身上反弹吧!
- [灼光] highbeams on!强光照射!
- [强击] shoot to kill!射杀!
- [黎明] darkness falls across the land.黑暗降临大地(知道mj的thriller吗?darkness falls across the land,the midnight hour is close at hand,creatures crawl in search of blood……''cause this is thriller, thriller night……mj开始与一群僵尸跳舞^o^)
- leading the way!领路!
- onward!前进!
- as i thought.正合我意
- the godess agrees.正如女神所愿
- i command the army of darkness!我指挥着黑暗(暗夜)部队!
- i''m caught between the moon and nightelf city.我往返于月亮与夜精灵城之间
- come on! we''re burning moonlight.来吧!我们是燃烧的月之光
- when a treant falls in the forest, does it make a sound?一个树人在森林里倒下时,会发出声音吗?
- [.vs英雄] by the godess!以女神的力量!
- strike!进攻!
- for the godess!为了女神!
- prepare to be moonstruck!准备接受月神之击!(moonstruck的字典解释:源于月光能引起精神错乱的信仰,是不是有点讽刺?)